FIND a store near you

Plan Better

Embrace sustainable fashion, reduce waste, and contribute to a healthier planet wile having a second income.

Unlock Potential

Experience a unique blend of fashion trends that not only make you look good but also make you feel good about your choices, find a store near you.

Expert Advise

Benefit from our in-house experts and educators who will guide you on how to blend environmental and financial sustainability with your style.

24/7 Support

Our team is always ready to assist you, ensuring a smooth and rewarding experience.

Financial Sustainability

FadCycle operates digitally on the WeDo App, this acts as a digital extension of our shops. It allows customers to browse and purchase items, schedule drop-offs for their used clothing and textiles, and track the life cycle of their donated items. The app also provides educational content on sustainable fashion and living.

You Are Safe


Parallel to consolidating our local presence, we are committed to setting up recycling centers. These facilities will form the backbone of our operation, allowing us to process collected materials efficiently and provide valuable raw material for our clothing production facility.

Rest assured that every item on FadCycle has been carefully selected for its quality and sustainability. We believe in transparency and ethical practices in all our processes.



FadCycle is more than a fashion brand or a retail shop. We are a platform for sustainable living, providing solutions that address the environmental impact of the fashion industry while also contributing to the circular economy. Each aspect of our operation – our shops, app, recycling centers, and production lines – is designed to maximize sustainability and create value from materials that would otherwise be discarded.

SOTG – Certified Impactful Business

FadCycle Tier 2 – SOTG Certified Impactful Business (StartUP)

We went through the SOTG Impactful Business Certification as a  verification of our system and implementation model, here is a message from our impact partner:

The journey through the SOTG Certified Impactful Business certification tiers is a challenging but rewarding one. For start-ups like FadCycle, each level represents a significant step in their sustainability journey, driving them to continuously improve their sustainability practices, measure their impact, and drive change in their industry. By reaching the “SOTG Luminary Impact” level, a start-up would not only become a  leader in sustainability but also set an example for other businesses to follow, ultimately contributing to a more sustainable future. FadCycle’s SOTG Certified Impactful Business Tier 2 certification is a testament to their commitment to sustainability and their innovative approach to addressing the environmental challenges in the fashion industry. Their efforts to create a circular economy in fashion, reduce textile waste, and promote local craftsmanship and cultural diversity are commendable. As FadCycle continues to grow and expand, their commitment to sustainability will undoubtedly remain at the heart of their operations, benefiting multiple stakeholders and contributing to a revolution in human progress and sustainability.


We provide a variety of services to guide and assist you in your sustainable fashion journey. From sustainable fashion to financial sustainability, we’ve got you covered! FadCycle offers a curated collection of pre-owned clothing items, appealing to a variety of styles and budgets. Our app serves as a financial platform, enabling users to earn from the clothing they want to sell within the community. In addition, we provide educational resources to raise awareness about sustainable fashion and responsible consumer behavior. FadCycle offers a multi-faceted platform that connects various aspects of the circular economy, specifically within the fashion and textiles industry. Here’s a detailed look at our product line and services

FadCycle Shops

Our shops serve as the heart of our operations. These are not just retail spaces, but hubs for sustainable living, providing a direct touchpoint with our customers. Customers can shop for second-hand clothing, vintage items, and our line of upcycled fashion.

FadCycle App (WeDo)

The FadCycle App acts as a digital extension of our shops. It allows customers to browse and purchase items, schedule drop-offs for their used clothing and textiles, and track the life cycle of their donated items. The app also provides educational content on sustainable fashion and living.

Recycling Centers

Our recycling centers are essential for managing and processing the clothing and textiles collected from our shops and drop-off points. Items suitable for resale or upcycling are segregated, while the rest are sent for recycling. The centers also handle other recyclable materials that can be repurposed.

Community Engagement and Education

Beyond our core operations, we strive to educate the public about the importance of sustainable fashion and living. We host workshops, fashion shows, and other community events to promote our mission and engage with our customers on a deeper level.

Industrial Materials Production

In addition to clothing, we repurpose recycled textiles and other compounds into industrial materials. This includes transforming textiles into insulation, stuffing for car seats, and other industrial products. This aspect of our operation ties into our goal of zero waste and adds value to materials that would otherwise end up in a landfill.

Clothing Production

We c transform recycled and reclaimed textiles into a line of upcycled clothing. This production line is not just about making new clothes from old materials, but also about promoting ethical labor practices and supporting local economies.


We believe in providing a wide range of services to improve your business.
Find a service that best fits your needs, give us a go and never look back!

UpCYcle – reuse – create income streams

Eliminate textile waste 

Produce new high-grade sustainable textiles


We believe that by providing a closed loop on all the services in an industry we can achieve sustainability in a way that few have ever imagined, but we see possible and know can be achieved.

We hope this statement makes you question what you know and are here to give you the direction and structure needed.



Anatoli Culev

Anatoli Culev

Founder and Lead Engineer

A textile engineer with an MBA, knows he can reshape the fashion industry

Julius Barbu

Julius Barbu

CSO/CIO - Sustainability & Impact

Knows how to improve all the systems of society, he made it possible for our structure to take shape and be a benefit to humans and the environment by combining sustainability with wealth management.

Kirsten Granzow

Kirsten Granzow


Chief Marketing Officer of, decided to join our team once she realised that we will reshape the industry an bring benefit to humanity  and the environment. 

Indiana Gregg

Indiana Gregg


Indy is the CEO of

Has 2 decades building applications and exited businesses

Trent Simmons

Trent Simmons

Social Impact Partner

CEO and Founder of Spirit of The Game Foundation, an expert in impact and corporate culture.